My Inspiration For Daily Trips Through History

Stuart Englander
2 min readApr 2, 2021

A comprehensive directory for Day Tripping

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

About seventeen years ago, I had the occasion to visit a new museum that opened near Trafalgar square in London, UK. The display was divided into two sections, the first being a walkthrough of the bunker offices where Churchill and his command team operated during WWII.

The second part of the museum tour is dedicated entirely to the life of Sir Winston Churchill. There is no doubting the significance of this individual’s place in history, but what interested me most about this section of the museum was the new technology being implemented to exhibit his life.

The most prominent of these displays was a large table in the centre of the room utilizing touchscreen technology in an ingenious way. The table itself was at least fifteen feet long by about eight feet wide, and as one walked around it, there were blocked off sections pertaining to each year of Churchill’s life along the table’s edge.

If you touched on a single year, the block opened to twelve separate files for each month of that year. Touch on any month and every day of that month would be revealed on the display table as another file. All the while, the entire surface of the table displayed old film footage of…



Stuart Englander

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